Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Day My Childhood Passed Away

I was at work on 6/25/09. It was an ordinary day. Emails, photoshop, meetings and css. I looked at my cellphone and right when I was about to check my facebook, my sorority sister sent a txt that said " Michael Jackson is dead!!". Now, naturally I did not believe her. I thought it was a hoax and sent her and the rest of my circle of Miami Zetas a txt that said...its not true. But then, my co-workers said "Mike had a heart attack!" it's on CNN. For a minute i just knew Mike was going to pull through it. Then another co-worker said in a loud voice, " says he's dead!". at this point, I did not want to hear anythign else or at least until CNN confirmed. I left the office with a few co-workers, some of whom agreed that they would wait until CNN confirmed. We left for the elevators, went down to the lobby only to be greated by the sad news on the CNN network.

I went home in shock. I was dazed to say the least. I sat on the edge of my bed watching CNN, MTV and BET in a trance. Was my Mike dead? Was my first crush gone? Did a part of my childhood pass away? This year, I went through ALOT of changes and this particular change was something I was not ready to deal with. Every pieace of my life, MJ was there. I even remember the first time my mother brought home the Thriller album (not the CD but the vinyl record). My brother and I ran to the record player and he played both sides twice that night. I remember as a little girl watching the Jackson 5 cartoons. My brother taped them all. I never got to a Mike concert but his videos that stopped ALL network programing were enough for me.

Michael, thank you for some of the best days of my life. Your music filled my childhood home with memories that I will never forget.

It hurts to look over my shoulder nowadays, because I know you won't be there.

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