Sunday, November 16, 2008

Break Out!

Ok was an extremely gorgeous day in South Florida. It was a nice 65 degrees mixed with a sunny blue sky. So I did what anyone would do..(or at least I hope)

Roll Out..!!!

I wasnt sure where I was going to go, but I hoped in the car. with a full tank of gas, my afro out and sunglasses on..with camera in hand..

so after a few stop lights..
..a brief ride down 95

and a few foot steps...

I ended up in South Beach. SB is nice during the day. Familes are walking around taking picutres, people on Ocean Drive enjoying the sun. It was a pretty nice day....until I went to ...

yes..this place in the enemy on thighs, tummies and booties everywhere....

not to mention pocketbooks. Did I really just pay $5.07 on a small ice cream code...da heck??

I have not seen beach water in a long time. So I decided to venture out....

but, I wasnt paying attention......because this happened

needless to was nice little outing. It's nice to get that solo time in. Too bad those were my step practice sneakers and rehersal is in two hours....hopefully I can find my old-school timbs (timberland boots). Stepping in wet Addidas's that sound like a wet duck everytime you stride is not cute..


Saturday, November 15, 2008

I did'nt forget

Lucy, you got some splain'nin to do...
I know, i know. You don't see the Miami Beach slideshow I've been promising since last year. Well good news, I startedediting the photos. A funny thing happened on the way to Photoshop.

I bought my first home. :)

Yes, yes a big step but also a time consuming process. I have yet to move in because it needs TLC ( Tender Loving Cash and Sweat Equity). But no excuse to not make good on what I am supposed to be doing. Give me until Thanksgiving weekend (after I get my black Friday shop home depot of course)

Yes, I do that to. Please people do not put me infront of a mic. Im still a spoken word when I get on the mic...I do command attention. LOL. I had the oppotunity to host the wedding reception for friend of mine! It truly made my day when he txt'ed me two weeks after to tell me how pleased him and his wife wa. One time for all the men truly happy to be married. Yall inspire me.....and in the mean time while you are inspiring me, tell your friends about my MC skills....this mortgage is not going to pay itself LOL.

What happend to Carnival Weekend 08??
You tell me. Ok International Flag Night was off the hook until at about 5am....THEY SHUT IT DOWN??? I was ready to "wave my flag" (Irie to all my Jamaican bredren and sistren) until about 8am, but it got shut down. NO worries here, I had to MC the wedding later that day....annnd I had to do some renovations at my condo....needless to say I crashed when it was all over. I did not go to the parade in downtown Miami because...THERE WERE NO MASS BAND PLAYERS...I'm not going to even go there.

Ya girl is going to DC to be in the atmosphere when the first African American man gets sworn in as our 44rd president. I had to pull a rabbit out of a hat to make that happen. Pictures forth comming.

I won't go into detail but alot of life chaning things happened. I will honestly say..I am looking forward to December when I can party my buns off at all the Christmas parties I have lined up. I am truly looking forward to 09. I turn 30 during 09 and im kicking off the year by jet-setting to DC, then to ATL...then Jamaican for a wedding..!!!!!

Stay tuned!