Roll Out..!!!
I wasnt sure where I was going to go, but I hoped in the car. with a full tank of gas, my afro out and sunglasses on..with camera in hand..

so after a few stop lights....a brief ride down 95
and a few foot steps...

I ended up in South Beach. SB is nice during the day. Familes are walking around taking picutres, people on Ocean Drive enjoying the sun. It was a pretty nice day....until I went to ...
yes..this place in the enemy on thighs, tummies and booties everywhere....

not to mention pocketbooks. Did I really just pay $5.07 on a small ice cream code...da heck??

I have not seen beach water in a long time. So I decided to venture out....
but, I wasnt paying attention......because this happened

needless to was nice little outing. It's nice to get that solo time in. Too bad those were my step practice sneakers and rehersal is in two hours....hopefully I can find my old-school timbs (timberland boots). Stepping in wet Addidas's that sound like a wet duck everytime you stride is not cute..
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